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Shabab Alahli under 21 champions


Shabab Alahli U-21 years old officially crowned the champions of the professional league, after beating Khorfakan in the last matchweek 10-0.

Guillermi scored 4 goals, while Mohamed Al-Madani scored two goals, and one goal by Mohamed Youssef, Malik Sila, Omar Noah and Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Shabab Alahli keeps unbeaten record in the 26 matches, winning 20 matches and drawing six times without any loss.

Our junior champions acheived 66 points, 11 points ahead of Sharjah, who finished second with 55 points.

Shabab Alahli players scored 82 goals in 26 matches, an average of more than three goals per match, conceding 19 goals in all matches.
